July is picking up right where June left off. So many events are happening, it's hard to fit them in between an occasional hour or two of blueberry picking.
Starting on Saturday, July 20, from 9 a.m. to noon, Manchester Library in Equinunk will hold its monthly Book Sale. The library is full of hard cover books, some new, some more classical in nature. Lots and lots of paperbacks to catch up on too. Prices are reduced on Sale Day - buy a bag of HC favorites, two for $1.00, or soft covers, three for a buck. The library is located at 3879 Hancock Highway, about two miles south of the center of Equinunk. Call 570-224-8500 for information or directions.
On Sunday, July 21st, the Pine Mill Community Hall will hold its monthly Pancake Breakfast at 919 Pine Mill Rd. in Equinunk. Come for the best breakfast in town.
Adults: $12.00, children 4 to 10, half price, infants under 4, free.
The menu includes pancakes, plain or blueberry, cheddar cheese omelets or eggs the way you like them, large sausage patty, home fries, apple sauce, and coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Pine Mill Rd. runs from Rte. 371 in Rileyville to the center of Equinunk. The Hall is located approximately half way between the two points. The Hall is available for rent for a modest price. Call John at 570-224-5750. It's suitable for birthday parties, showers, reunions, and the like, and BIG NEWS - We now have air conditioning!
Would you like to learn how to play Mah Jongg? We'll be glad to go over the basics with you at Manchester Library, every Monday afternoon, starting at 1 p.m. The game is fun and not complicated, and lessons are FREE. Call us.