On September 14th, Join your friends from the Wayne County
Community Foundation, The Wayne County Arts Alliance, and
The Equinunk Historical Society for a celebration of Wayne
County’s new Creative Communities Art Trail.
An opening will be held at the Equinunk Historical Society from
1-3 in the afternoon. Light refreshments, a land blessing
ceremony, and beautiful public art will be on display for all.
Public art is a great way to uplift and celebrate all of the
communities that make Wayne County such a vibrant and
beautiful place to be. The Creative Communities Art Trail will
connect our county from north to south along Route 191,
providing stops along the way to explore, experience, and
appreciate the landscape and artists that call this place home.
Come join us at the Equinunk Historical Society on Saturday,
September 14th at 1:00 for a celebration of our first piece of
public art in Wayne County’s new Creative Communities Art Trail.
For more information, visit WayneCountyArtsAlliance.Org. We hope
to see you there!
This project was supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on
the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of