Can you help support these two projects EHS is tackling?
EHS Calder House Museum has been selected as the northernmost site on a new ART
TRAIL traversing the length of Wayne County along Route 191 and partially funded through
a grant from the Wayne County Community Foundation. This is a community led “Pocket
Park” project. Local artists are donating their time and artwork. Neighborhood volunteers
are donating time and services to make this happen for the whole community and visitors to
Wayne County. Additional funds are needed for material costs to prep the site for this
outdoor display.
The Joel Hill Sawmill offers free demonstrations of a water powered mill. We are requesting
grant money to dredge the mill pond of accumulated silt from recent years heavy rainfall and
damn repairs. We need to show community support for this project with some matching
Please call EHS at (570)224-6722 if you would like more information about these projects.
Your tax-deductible donation can be mailed to: Equinunk Historical Society, PO Box 41,
Equinunk, PA, 18417